hi am 41 year old woman who has had two c-section deliveries and a tubal ligation during my last delivery. a year after my last delivery i began having left pelvic pain and heavy periods that would come twice per month. i could not stand the pain and went to my OBGYN who delivered my kids for help. They performed the vaginal probe ultrasound and the upper ultrasound and a CAT SCAN and found that I had pelvic fluid, an ovarian cyst on the left ovary and scar tissue and endometriosis in around the c-section scar. Also I was sent to have a colonoscopy which found that I have a moderate amount of diverticulosis, with no abcesses, perforation, infections and not tears so Their advice for me was birth control pills to control heavy bleeding and or laparotomy to treat the woman issues. I was scared stiff because I already had two c-sections that is the probable cause of my problems and now they want to cut again. I took an alternative approach to see if this would help through Herbs, I take primrose oil and rasberry leaves to help. I need your adivce. I need to get help because being in pain with three small children is no fun and my life is based around pain most of the time. Pleas help me find a specialist in my area of South Jersey that has experience in this area and performs minimal invasive surgery approaches.