Hello dear
I understand your concern
Do not worry.
I pill was taken with in 1 hour.
It is highly effective in preventing the
It has 95-98% success rate to prevent the pregnancy.
So it has just 0-5% failure rate.
But I pill can cause disturbance in the menstrual cycle.
Menstrual cycle can come earlier, delayed by 1-2 week , or with excessive bleeding.
If period will delay by the more than 2 week then go for urine pregnancy test and or blood
HCG test to confirm the pregnancy.
If pregnancy will be detected then still it can be terminate by
abortion pill under the supervision of the gynecologist.
But I think you would not needed all these as I pill was taken with in 1 hour of sex.
stress, take healthy diet, drink plenty of water and do regualr exercise.
Hope this may help you
Best regards