Hello there,
Thank you for relying healthcaremagic.
The condition you described is an emergency which definitely needs medical care or it might be fatal later.
If he was diagnosed at an age 18,was he on antihypertensives?.If not then he should be immediately be on one. Left uncontrolled, he may wind up with a disability, a poor quality of life or even a fatal heart attack.
High blood pressure might cause damage to his heart(Coronary artery disease,Enlarged left heart,
heart failure),brain(
Transient ischemic attack ,mild
cognitive impairment,stroke),kidney(failure) and a lot more if not treated.So i would suggest you to froce him to see a doctor.Nothing is worth a life.
In the meantime,he should follow strict
diet plan like;
1)Low salt and low fat diet
2)eat fruits and vegetables which are rich in potassium and magnesium
3)Exercise atleast 30-40minutes a day to lose those extra body fat.
Hope it helped.Feel free to ask anymore queries.