I ended up tearing a right shoulder muscle and ripped some cartilage around my elbow. The pain was intense and my regular physician gave me a toradol injection for the inflammation and 6 days of Prednisone. My BP was to almost 190/100. Usually I am in the 100-115/55-70 range despite smoking. The pain got worse the next day and since I felt my BP elevate as well, I went to the ER. My BP was 249/110 and they took me to an ER room. The doctor was ordering MRI s and when I told him I was on workers compensation, he suddenly decided that all I needed was xrays and only for the right shoulder at that, as if soft tissue damage will even show clearly on xrays. He kept saying I worked for WC, you can have them do all those haha. I am going on year 9, and it took 3 years to get one body part accepted while after 9 years, I still litigating over other injuries. Anyway, he left me there for 25 minutes after I had 2 techs get xrays; he speny maybe 90 seconds with me, saying this is an ER, I don t have time to listen to all your problems when I was trying to tell him what had happened. He put down calcific tendonitis (misspelt it as well), torn muscle, and elevated BP on the report. Then a nurse came all grumpy, telling me to take a clear grl yhst eas roughly the shape of a 1,000mg fish oil but had a yellow/orange color. I asked him what he was but all he told me was we give this to everyone with high BP . And they read my vitals again which showed 182/5minutes later. He adked the doctor if they should release me, and when the doc said yes, that was it. The ER was at maybe 20% capacity while the doctor eas sotting at the nurses station and chatting away with a nurse. It has been 5 days and my BP never shot above 140. However I have this dull, almost bruised feeling on my left back, right around the 5th rib which feels like a bruise. It almost feels as if it is under yhe bone and cartilage, and straight on the heart but I can t really tell and nothing makes it go away. I wasn t checked or even asked if I displayed any heart attack symptoms or anythong else other than you can get WC to take care of that . Is it possible that the high BP may have caused something or even bruised my heart somehow, or is it possible that I may have had a minor heart attack? My BP was over 180 for 2 days straight, especially considering it rarely goes above 130. And now that I checked thr online patient portal, my 240+ intake BP has also been removed from the transcripts. I am one step from filing a complaint for alst letting me die.