I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain if you have infection in the tooth with pain there is a possibility that there is
dental abscess formation and although medications can help in resolution of infection and relieve pain but it is not permanent solution..
Yes, you may see improvement in 48 hours but a sue time slot cannot be given and everything will depend on the exact condition of the tooth and treatment of the tooth will finally resolve the problem..
I would suggest you to consult your
dentist back or an Endodontist and get evaluated and an
x ray of the tooth will be advised to you..
In case of deeper decay
root canal treatment of tooth can help..
In case if tooth is not in a condition to be saved extraction is advisable..
You can also ask me a direct question by going to my profile and clicking on ask me a question and there you can upload the scans of the x rays so that I can guide you appropriately after evaluation of the x ray and asking further details..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.