Hello dear, thanks for your question on HCM.
I can understand your situation and problem.
In my opinion your pneumothorax problem is more associated with bullae and blebs.
If you are having bulla and bleb in your lung than possibility of pneumothorax is always high.
Bulla and bleb can easily rupture by coughing,
sneezing, heavyweight lifting etc and produce pneumothorax.
The only solution for you is to
consult pulmonologist and get done bullectomy (removal of bulla and blebs) with
pleurodesis (iatrogenic adhesion of layers of pleura). Pleurodesis will remove the potential space for pneumothorax because of adhesions. So
recurrent pneumothorax can be avoided. This procedure is known as VATS (Video Assisted
Thoracic Surgery). So consult pulmonologist and discuss about these.
Vitamin b 6 deficiency can not cause pneumothorax. And vitamin b 6 is water soluble and easily available in day to day food. So deficiency of vitamin b 6 is less likely in your case.