Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
Pregnancy symptoms can vary widely between women and the symptoms that we commonly associate with pregnancy like breast tenderness,
bloating, mood changes, and spotting, can also because by hormone imbalances during an irregular menstrual cycle.
The most common sign of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period.
Implantation bleeding" typically occurs midcycle right after your ovulation and is actually not very common. Spotting once a woman has a positive pregnancy test, in the early first trimester, is extremely common and happens in nearly 15% of all pregnant women.
So until your period actually is due to arrive and it is late, there is no reason necessarily to expect that your symptoms are caused by pregnancy. If you have no further bleeding around the time that you should've menstruated, then I would perform a urine pregnancy test that you can purchase over-the-counter.
I hope that I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that this advice was helpful.
Best wishes,
Dr. Brown