My brother has been dealing with peripheral neuropathy for three years and it continues to progress. He has been diagnosed several times over the three years . Initially with Lymes disease and given. Antibiotics with no results. Then CIDP, DADS, given infusions, steroids, ....other treatments to no avail. His neuropathy continues to spread up legs, from fingertips upward. They then have determined he has hypothyroidism and most recently Hashymoto disease. He has been on the Paleo Autoimmune diet for five months and is on a version of it at present not wanting to lose any more weight. Three months show they discovered a very high IMG M count, 2,700. Now they have decided has Multiple Myloma, determined it has been causing the neuropathy, and started him on chemo. I am not convinced. The diagnosis is based on this count yet he is not showing any signs his PET scan in his bones or lymph nodes. IMG M count down to 1,100. Stem cell pheresis to follow. I want second opinion of diagnosis.