Hi Doctor, My wife and I have fears about the health of her pregnancy of about two weeks and 4 days now. She had her last period on May 17, and we had intercourse on the 13th of June. About 8 days after sex, she took postinor 2, with Dry gin (We were in a remote area and couldn't get Postinor within the 3 usual days). A urine dip test three days later read positive for pregnancy. We then went for a scan and was told that only something like a cyst is seen. The doctor asked that she take a blood test which still came positive for pregnancy. Now we are worried about the health of the baby if we decide to keep it. Can the Postinor 2 have any threatening effect on the fetus? If so, what can we safely do to remove the pregnancy without going to the hospitals? She have also been on antibiotics (Amoxyl, Flagyl and Ferrous Sulphate) but it appears all have been ineffective as she has not had any discharges since.
Please advice us.