On 26 Aug. 2014, My car was stopped in heavy traffic & someone ran into the back, traveling at 110 kms/hr (68.350 mph). Both my boyfriend (passenger) & I were hospitalized with various injuries. My worst injuries were in my calves, which were injured by the bar beneath my car seat used to adjust the position of the seat. I developed a hematoma in each calf. A week ago, the left one was evacuated by a wound specialist here in Southern Califirnia, where I live. Apparently 300 ccs of fluid (dark gelatinous blood) was removed. It is now bandaged with a four-layer tensor bandage that does not require changing for a week. The right calf had a smaller hematoma & the specialist says it should resolve on its own eventually, but I am still nervous about it. Could it harden & this deform my leg? It is quite a large area. I can still feel the fluid in it, although the perimeter feels harder. How long might it take to resolve? The doctor is reluctant to cut into it. The other was much larger. Thank you.