Hallow Dear,
It seems from the medicines that have been prescribed to your wife that she is having
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). In this condition, the eggs from the ovary are trapped within the ovary and they re not released; hence any cysts are formed. This leads to irregularly delayed heavy menses with
This condition also is characterized by high insulin and high male hormone levels. Due to this, there is obesity, hair on unwanted areas like face, chest, abdomen, legs, etc. Medicines like
Metformin and/or Myo
inositol help reduce the levels of these hormones.
For achieving
pregnancy in such cases, some medicines have to be given for releasing eggs from ovary (induction of ovulation). To start with, usually
Clomiphene citrate is used. This medicine can be used for maximum 6 cycles. If it fails to give desired results, HMG/hCG combination may be tried. Concomitant use of Metformin and/or Myo inositol give better results to Clomiphene citrate.
Ovacet Tablet contains L-Methylfolate, Myo-Inositol, and
Vitamin D3 as active ingredients. Therefore it helps achieving ovulation by Clomiphene citrate and usually does not have any ill side effects. However, this medicine should be given along with Clomiphene citrate.
In addition to the medicines, please pay attention to her weight and BMI. Please maintain her BMI under 23.9.
I am sure this will clarify your concepts about the treatment she is receiving and the ideal treatment for such condition.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri