Before taking any decision , please read this carefully and you get your answer:
Postponement of
menstruation : Progestins can be used to prolong lutel phase of the ( after release of ovum i.e. 2nd half of menses ) of the menstrual cycle and thus to postpone the menstruation .
Norethisteone orally 5 mg daily is adequate if the subjects comes early in the second half of the menstrual cycle .
If, howevr, you seeks advice only on few days before the due date , higher doses ( 5-10 mg ) are needed.
Hydroprogesterone caproate 250 mg(I/M) along with small oral doses of norethisteone can be also effective.
If you will use proper doses as advised , you will not get your period , once you will stop the drug , at appropriate time menstrual cycle take place.
Hope this will be useful for you.
2nd point is upload complete history of cycle or adjust according to this answer.
Good luck.