I was given the depo provera shot, in the er, while hemorrhaging, and was not warned of any of the side effects. I have had severe depression, anxiety, hot flashes, etc, with the shot, so the dr prescribed estradiol to counteract the side effects. I am 36 years old, have a family history of diabetes, heart disease and breast cancer. I was wanting to try and conceive within the year. I am 6 weeks into the depo shot, and and having dark brown spotting. I started out with 1mg of estradiol, then this week, I have cut it down to .5mgs. I m worried that I will have heavy bleeding if I cut it out completely. An ultrasound revealed that my ovaries have shrunk and my endometrium is 3cm on top and 1cm on the bottom. Is that normal, and should I continue the estradiol?