Noted your history of repeated canker sores and throat ulcers, taking
Fluoxetine and iron, tried many Doctors and medications but no healing.
Tonsillectomy does not help in healing such lesion. So not to be done as there is no tonsillar problems.
The commonest causes of such lesions is deficiency of B-complex, other vitamins and mineral along with trace elements.
The primary cause may be less intake in food or intestinal pathology like
colitis causing such a problem.
Hence I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Consult a Doctor and discuss all these points so that a proper clinical evaluation for intestinal problems and
nutritional deficiency can be found out and corrected for you to get a permanent relief.
Also take all the medications as mentioned above along with
Folic acid.
All these will surely give a proper relief and you can correct the diet accordingly.
I hope this answer helps you. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. T Chandrakant,
ENT & General Surgeon