I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain painful and blood containing bowels can be be due to
anal fissure while can also be due to internal haemorrhoid..
An anal fissure is a small tear in the specialized mucosa of the anal canal also known as Anoderm..
While a haemorrhoid is a swollen and inflamed vein.
I would suggest you to
consult a Proctologist and get evaluated and he can advise you to get investigation like Anoscopy,
sigmoidoscopy done to rule out the exact cause of the problem so that treatment can be done according to the cause..
It is not necessary that in case of anal fissure you will always be advised to get surgery done and if fissure is diagnosed the physician can advise you to take
stool softener like Docusate, high fibre diet, drink plenty of water and avoid spicy food..
You can also be advised to take Laxatives to ease in evacuation of bowels..
You can be advised to apply ointment containing Calcium channel blockers like Diltizem as it will help in dilating blood vessels, increase blood flow in the area and initiate faster healing..
In case of no improvement
surgical treatment can be advised..
In case of haemorrhoid stool softener, high fibre diet along with steroid and numbing ointments can help..
Surgical treatment will include
rubber band ligation,
sclerotherapy, cryotherapy etc..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.