Hello dear,
I understand your concern.
In my opinion the white nipples doesn't indicate
In pregnancy there will be enlargement and tender breast.The arrows will be darkened and appearance of some pimple like structures called montogmerry tubercles is classical.
All these full fledged changes take time upto 10- 12 weeks of pregnancy.
The first sign like missed period gives a suspicion of pregnancy.
All other symptoms like
nausea,vomitings, increased urination,sore breasts start 2 weeks after missed period ie.,around 6 weeks.
Even though the symptoms are present a positive urine or blood pregnancy test confirms the pregnancy.
In your case it is too early to feel any pregnancy symptoms because it is just a week from intercourse.
I suggest you to wait and check for the period as that is the only first sign.
So relax avoid
stress white nipple doesn't indicate pregnancy.
Hope this helps.
Best regards...Dr.Srilatha