I had a biopsy done 5 days ago in my mouth to verify Sjogren s Syndrome . Saliva gland was taken down at the bottom of my lip and gumline. Single stitch came out next day. Split open, it is about a quarter of an inch. Told the doc who put it in, he said, Stitches come out all the time. Don t worry about it. See you on followup visit. I went the next morning to the clinic and another doc looked visually, not in a chair with light, said, It s fine, we don t even always stitch them up anyway. The open sliced wound looks terrible, is painful and does not seem to be getting any better. Hurts to eat food and is like mangled up tissue there. Is this normal? Does the wound heal from the inside out? Am I now going to have scar tissue where it looks like a jumbled up blob? I don t go back to the clinic for 9 more days. I do not have a fever or anything. I am diabetic, and told the doc I do not heal well. I m afraid that this is what s happening now, I m not healing properly. Any advice would be appreciated. PS. I ve been rinsing with salt in warm water like the after care instructions said, and it doesn t seem to help any.