Had cataract surgery on my left eye 3 weeks ago, was suppose to have right done 2 weeks ago but postponed due to issues with right eye. Vision seems to be getting worse, black spots appearing randomly, color is off and distance vision is not there. Doctor put in standard lens for distance. Just got back from Dr. today and he now seems troubled with what hes seeing. Area still swollen, he stating he is seeing hemorrhages which he did see before surgery but didn t seem too concerned then. Hes also stating that there is restricted blood flow in retina which is causing the blurred vision , black spots and color difference. He has increased my eye drops to reduce swelling and has scheduled a angiogram for both eyes. He stated day after surgery during visit everything seem to be ok. Now hes going for worst case serniario, calling it some long medical name, that will eventually end up losing vision in left eye totally....geeezz Could the surgery have caused this or was this condition hiding behind the cataract? Female, 58, healthy