Hello, I had inguinial hernia surgery on Jan. 16th, 2013. I am a 51 yr. old male and in very good physical condition pre-op. My questions are three-fold: One, I have extreme bruising in the genital area including the penis and lower butt; Two, I severe itching around my scotum 4 days post-op now and three, where the incision and hernia are located (left), I continue to have swelling and feel as if there is a large lump putting pressure on my left testical. First, any tips to speed up the bruising and which topical onitments might you suggest to reduce the terrible itching of the scrotum , penis and bottom areas? And three, is this lump or heavy feeling where the incision was made above my left testical a normal feeing 4 days post-op? I see my surgeon this coming Friday and will ask him all these questions. Thanks for you feedback!