My semen analysis is as follows. Volume: 2ml, Self Liquefaction: 30 mints, Appearance: greish white, Viscosity: normal, PH: 8.0, Sperm count: Number of spermatozoa per ml: 12 million/ml, Number of sperms per ejaculate: 24 million. Grade: A Rapid Linear Progressive - 20% B Sluggish Linear Progressive - 50% A+B Total Forward Progression - 70% C Non Progressive - 20% D Immotile sperms - 10% Epithelial cells: Nil, Pus Cells: 3-5 Red blood cells: 1-2 Sperm Clumps: Nil Is this report normal, If not can i take this medicine CCQ 25 or Addyzoa. Thank you, With best regards, Ivan.