If you are not taking any anti diabetic medicine,then this
hypoglycemia seems to be due to your
starvation style dieting.
As it is unlikely that you put on your extra weight in only a few days, it is unrealistic to believe you can lose it that quickly. A slow rate of
weight loss amounting to just one or two pounds per week is the most maintainable progression.
When you lose weight slowly, you can sustain the changes for the long term and not suffer from extreme feelings of deprivation. In addition, your body can adjust to small reductions in calorie intake without feeling like it is facing a life-threatening famine.
You need a minimum of 1,200 calories per day as a woman or 1,500 as a man to support nutrition for bodily functions like breathing, cellular repair, hormone production and pumping blood etc.
Following a fast or starvation diet for several days can also cause nutritional deficiencies,
dizziness, weakness, digestive distress,
nausea, irritability,
depression and
fatigue. Undergoing a fast or starvation diet for too long can seriously compromise your health.
Instead of cutting food out altogether, seek to create calorie deficit of between 500 and 1,000 calories. Utilize physical activity along with dietary measures to create this negative calorie balance.
Don't go for crash dieting otherwise you may develop problems.