hello dear
thanks for query at HCM
symptoms in larynx cancer depends up on area of the larynx involved .
larynx divided in to three parts supra glottic, glottic and sub glottic, symptoms vary according to area involved .
supra glottic: often silent, hoarsness of voice is late symptom. throat pain, dysphagia and
ear pain are common symptoms.
glottic : hoarsness of voice is early symptom, also produce
sub glottic cancer: earliest symptom is stridor,
hoarseness is late feature.
nature of cough may not determine the location.
smoke inhalation may take years to clear from lungs and it also has long term complication and adverse side effects.
cough during sleep and awakening in your case might be due to
your diagnosed with bronchitis so all symptoms might be related to it.
if you still have strong suspicion of cancer visit doctor get alrynx examined and radilogical investigation like x ray and
ct scan might be helpful in your case.