Hello! About 5 years ago I got my ears pierced. The piercing on my right ear got infected, so I took it out immediately, which I understood at the time was the best thing to do. A few months after it closed and healed, I developed a lump (or ball) in my ear. I went to a doctor about it (about a year ago), and they told me that I should massage it, because it was a puss ball, and eventually it would turn to liquid, and come out through he piercing hole. So I did as directed, as it did turn to liquid, and the majority of it came out through the hole. Recently (which in the last 4 months), the puss ball has returned, and on occasion becomes very painful, and when this started, I would touch it and it would basically shoot puss out. So I got the idea that I should drain it regularly, and I have been up to now, but for the last several days, it has become very painful, very enlarged, and I am unable to get any puss out of it. None comes out of my ear when I squeeze. I could live with this I suppose, but I believe it might be infected, as the pain is starting to go down in to my neck , below my ear. I am very concerned about this, and I do not know if I should see a doctor (which is very expensive for me, and is rare that I can do so), or if it is even dangerous or could cause harm to my body. I hope you will be able to help me!