I m a 32 year old working in an office environment (with less movement but stressful environment). About 2 months ago,my Blood pressure was around 140/90 mostly for couple of weeks and one day it went up to 147/100. That day I had a highly stressed out work at office. However when I met my doctor I was diagnosed to have pre-hypertension and doctor prescribed me to take Candesartan 8mg daily. That was 1.5 months ago. From that time onwards I started a radical change in my lifestyle. I started waling & jogging daily for 30-60 minutes and started eating lot of vegetables, fish (especially salmon), nuts (walnuts, almonds) and whole grain cereals. I lost around 4kg during this period. Now I m 83 kg and my height is 5 8 . Now my BP is around 115/79 average and the lowest was yesterday 104/75. My problem is now I have severe headache and light pains/aches near chest, back, arm, joints... I also have a feeling like a vacuum or itching (painless) near center of my chest close to heart from time to time. I feel these may be bcoz of side effects from my medicine. I d like to know whether I can slowly stop taking medication under constant review of BP monitoring, since I have totally changed my lifestyle permanently.