Hi madam, i have a strange query. it relates to my culture (i meant my bringing up), hence it may seems silly to you. i am a 35 year old guy. i have to been taught to respect elders while behave and talk to them, by my parents. the way i was taught to respect, is to take care while address them in day to day life like addressing elder brother or sir before i talk to them or atleast address by their name. i fllowed the same thoughut my life. But whenever i come across the younger than me guys (even 7-8 years younger than me), they used to address me like as we they talk to guys very younger to them . even the actions and words reflect they way when we talk to guys younger to me. I am a guy at 35 feels very bad about it. second thing is the managers who is very younger to me talk as if they order me . i caught on these thoughts always and become neurotic and spoiled my life, they (younger than me) unaware of that i am holding my anger within me in humiliation, enjoyed their life through and i spolied me. i dont know how to react on those situations, i dont have guts just because i dont want to hurt them. i thinks same time that, they thinks me as a friend thatsy. but its truely iritating to hear the way they speak. i always controoled myself and soiled my health in holding back becuz i worried all the time for same. how to respond or not getting hold of these ego related things? is it a right thing? cant i expect the way younger behave to me as i respect my elders? is it okay if i respond again each and everyone who does this? the interesting things which make my thought worse is they even repect others of age with respect as i want, just for the reason they look older and i look youger. how to get rid of this and be cool in life and save head going into devils grave? pls help