hi, my wife has had an enlarged spleen since september 2010 when she was hospitalized for ten days with epstein barr virus . she was very jaundice, rash, feverish at the time. her lipase levels have always remained high since then, but they are getting better. her spleen has never went to normal size. you can actually see that her ribcage sticks up about a half inch or so higher than her other side. Her doctor just sent her for an ultra sound and we are awaiting the results. my wife was also diagnosed with hyperthyroidism within the past year. she is 33, 155lbs, 5 11 ,non smoker, non drinker. any ideas what this may be. on occasion she does seem to look a little jaundice. and about a month ago, she was seeing double vision, and had to get it checked out only to find nothing wrong with her eyes. she has never had double vision before and has not had it since. I guess im just wondering whtas up with her spleen