OK...for a long time ive had a issue....When ever i try to have sex i cant ever get hard,and if i do its only semi-hard...I do get the odd ball time boners,but they arnt very hard ever...For one im gay,and ive seen quite a few others up close..and mine is no where near as hard(topping proves to be somewhat impossible)Only time i have ever been able to was after taking extensa for 2 weeks...My testicals are another issue.When i take hot showers or its hot out side(AZ) my balls (esp my left one wont drop-ever).If i try to move it down it goes right back up...it has at time of erection or even without asceneded up completey.If anyone other then me even barly trys to play(ya ya i know) with them,its very uncorftable and the semi i sometimes have i lose quickly.Oral same thing,...uncomfertable,and lose hard on.Oral in general is another thing...Bj s have never gotten me hard...just donsnt feel all that great to me at all...(maybe a senitivty issue?).Its more in the left one that wont ever drop..the right one does sometimes..but never completly..not sence i was a teenager(15-16).Im 26 now,have never seen a doctor :/...to much of a woose to go see one...