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As per your query you have excessive hair loss and you have taken epidurals and caudal shots for lower
back pain. You want to know the possibility of Side effects of
steroids causing the same.
It can be a normal process and other than normal process, it can be due to nutritional, due to some illness such as fever or related disease and last but not the least
stress of any kind.
Now from your problem one important thing I can make out is regarding long term illness of lower back pain. For this you have taken steroids. Yes steroids on long term usage can definitely cause multiple of metabolic errors including protein loss and mineral loss. So this can be major factor in your problem of
hair fall.
So also there can be one important cause along with other causes such as stress level.
Now at this juncture I would like to guide you best regarding diet. You should know that our hair are basically made up of proteins and supported by certain simple biochemical known as minerals and vitamins. So every of the food item which contains good amount of proteins with
vitamins and minerals are best for maintenance and growth of good hair.
1. Eat at least 3-4 fruits per day. Every fruit is good but you can make a combination of sour with sweet fruits such as oranges, papaya and other of seasonal fruits.
2. Pulses are good source of proteins. So everyday have a bowel full of mixed pulses. Add green leafy vegetables additionally in the pulses which contains lot of iron and vitamins in it.
3. Sprouts are the best source of fibers, minerals vitamins and proteins too. so add it at-least alternate day if you can not make in everyday's part of meal.
4. Over night soaked and peeled almonds will give you good
vitamin E which is good for the hair growth.
5. Milk and milk products should be included in everyday's schedule.
6. If you drink tea or coffee then replace it either with herbal tea or green tea.
7. reduce your stress level regarding any kind of problem. keep yourself busy.
Follow the above plan for atleast 3 months minimally if you don't have much of hair fall. If you have more than 100 hair falling everyday then it would be better to
consult a dermatologist who can check for the best possible related cause of your hair fall.
Hope this information helps you. If you have any further queries I will be happy to help.
"Wish you good health"
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
MD (Dermatology)