My family member has had "spells" of excessive sweating, dizziness and double vision for several months now. The "spells" are not precipitated by anything particular. He can have one and then go months without having another. Cardiology did an entire workup thinking it was cardiac in nature, but everything ruled out okay. A few weeks ago, he had an episode similiar to what is described above in the morning and later that evening had a grand mal seizure. He has no prior medical history, other than elevated cholesterol controlled on a statin. He works out daily and eats a balanced diet. He does not drink. He has a history of tobacco use, but not currently. He is a regular marijuana user (daily to be exact). His mothers brother had epilepsy as a baby and later committed suicide. Neurology did an entire workup in hospital, including Brain CT, Brain MRI, CXR, Lymes disease, Hepatitis, ANA marker, neuro tests Q4H. Everything came back normal. EEG showed a small area of irregular activity, but not enough to call the EEG abnormal. He was put on Keppra but had a severe reaction, causing anxiety, aggression, depression, agitation. He continues to have dizziness, sweating and now has developed panic attacks. He was put on another medication last week. He is now off the Keppra. Can you offer anymore suggestions regarding his situation? I have researched pituitary tumors, thyroid issues, etc, etc and am not connecting dots. PLEASE HELP.