Hello there thank you for asking!
You have
fibromyalgia and 5 surgeries history, I believe they are enough to explain it. ANd these are acute flares which you are suffering from.
Here are some tips that might be helpful to you,
Treat infections quickly
Avoid changes in diet
Exercise as prescribed (Do not to increase your routine without consulting a physician)
Have Moderate changes in activity
Avoid unnecessary life changes
Treat changes in mood or sleep early and aggressively
Always start new medications at the lowest possible dose
Prepare for unavoidable situations that have caused flare-ups in the past (eg, arrange for an increase in
sleep medication or for help with housework and child care)
Do pace your activities and know their limits.
Choose fruits like citrus fruits, apples, berries, cantaloupe, and peaches
Vitamins (eg, C, E), minerals (eg, selenium, zinc), and phytochemicals will be of help.
take Vitamin D supplements regular.
diet high in fresh vegetables, fish, and fiber. Green, leafy, and yellow vegetables will be an asset.
avoid junk foods or processed snack foods.consumption of chemical-laden foods, refined sugars, white flour, aspartame, and
monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Avoid sweet or starchy foods. if cant then take with fiber alot of fiber. it will decrease its absorbtion rate.
take food journal for two weeks.
Avoid tobacco use
Slowly wean off caffeine, because abruptly stopping caffeine will increase fatigue and pain,
headaches, anxiety, and sleep disturbance
Avoid and taper alcohol and stop completely in 6 months.
Consult physiotherapist and
chronic pain management specialist for pain, and
psychiatrist for psychologic and
behavioral therapies.
Good Luck
S Khan