Hi, I have been experiencing blood in my urine. First it started out as pinkish and then within a day, it started to drip blood from my vagina. when I go to pee, he blood drips down sometimes during as I sit waiting to urinate. It is generally. Mixture of urine and blood. Sometimes it just drips bright red blood.. There are small sticky like substances... Blot clot masses. Most are vey small as I wipe it looks like a sticky clot like substance on the tissue. Not each time but frequent enough to ask questions.... What could this be? Currently I am lost... I have had a bladder Infection before, and he my cycle on Marc 06- march 10 of this month. It is too easy for my cycle, as it is due until apr 4
No I am not on the pill or any birth control. I am 49 years old..