I thought I was experiencing reflux as I have a sensation in my chest, near my esophagus...tiny pin pricks and bubbles or gurgling. Drinking cold water makes this area feel good. Went to se a Gastro Dr and they suggested that I didn't have all the symptoms of reflux (the difficulty swallowing only affects me on a rare occasion, and very rarely do I experience nighttime bile. Did an upper GI and said I have EOE as the count was 130 vs , 15 which was the baseline They suggested that I go to an allergist who prick tested me for 47 foods which all came back negative. Put me on Empirical diet...no milk, soy, eggs, wheat, nuts, seafoo, beef and have me using a flow-vent and a PPI. They missed the fact that I every morning take Glucosamine and Chondroitin and fish oil on an empty stomach (which might have caused the EOE in the first place), so I stopped taking those. I am a bit gassy, and try to burp a lot to get the bubble sensation in my chest to go away. I feel it when I am idle or sitting. I work out all the time, lots of cardio, and never had heart issues. Did full cardio testing after a bee scare a couple years ago and I am good 80 over 120. Don't smoke, do drink, but very healthy guy. Mom had funny heart issues over the years, but this summer had a pacemaker and an ablation and is doing great at 89. Could her heart issues be hereditary with me? If it was my heart that was burbling would I feel it. The top of the lungs, esophagus and heart are all in such close proximity, it is hard to tell where the bubbling is coming from. Outside of the pin pricks (which they told me was from the EOE, I have no pain...just this sensation of a pressure or a bubble. Would an xray of the area reveal anything? By the way, I am male, 55, 160 lbs.