Very natural to be concerned about even though you are scheduled for a
CT scan, which is going to explain these things may be to a level of diagnosis.
Answer to Your Query: There is a shadow suggestive of a mass-
tumor at the base of right lung.
Pleura is a double covering over the lung allowing it to move effortlessly every time you breath. This is possible without us knowing because of the fluid in this cavity- which is never seen in the normal X-ray. I your case there is more than normal fluid which is detectable and seen in the x-ray along with the thickening ( obviously due to disease) of this pleura.
ON the left side there is prominence of the hilar that is near midline , may be due to
lymph nodes.
Atelectasis mean shrinkage of that particular part of the lung..
Now the more important thing is - X-ray shows only the suggestive information, many times just gives an idea. Hence Ct scan, which is better to delineate the cause is advised.
So wait , relax till the CT scan and further reports are done.
This may be anything you are thinking of.
Awaiting for your feedback.