1. it is not clear whether you want treatment for you or for someone else, because AGE is not mentioned by you?
myopia or
nearsightedness is usually inherited i.e.if both parents are myopic, child is likely to be suffering from myopia.
3. have you consulted with and Ophthalmologist about the same, and what he/she has to tell about whether it is Pathological-secondary or Pseudo myopia??
4. make sure people with myopia have complications like
glaucoma and
retinal detachment, so only after taking/obtaining proper history, exercises,diet and medicines can be sorted out.
4. You can consult with an Ayurveda Physician about Eye exercises like (Tratak procedure), eat food rich in
Vitamin A (carrots,mango, papaya,cantaloupe,yellow of egg,apricots,yellow squash, kale) along with medicines like Amla, Trifla ghrita,and Saptamrit Lauha