I have had a problem for a few years where one of my eyes swells for no apparent reason. Just starts itching, feels dry and then starts swelling. Then my cheeks started doing this a month or so ago. I usually wake up with these symptoms. It is always either 1 eye, 1 cheek. Now, since July, my feet on the bottoms will start itching, then swell and become pink and tender and itchy. And now, this week, the palm of my hand, and spots on my hands and wrists. I have gone to the doctor last week and today and he just thinks it's allergies. Also, this morning, I had white string in my stool. He prescribed me Singulair, a steroid, and probiotic tablets. But, currently, my right foot and right palm are very itchy and swollen. U did have Shigella parasite about 40 yrs ago. Any advice?