Hello friend,
Your question is very important -= 'why am I having so many problems with my body?'
This cannot be answered in the way you searched. You are over weight. You get bruised easily. You feel pain more than reasonable. Feels dizzy .
You explain everything as because of
anaemia. There you are wrong.
Then naturally you say: 'I am taking Iron tabs regularly' as if iron will take care of your anaemia. You are lost to find reasons for your sickness.
Conventional medicine cannot answer your question.
I am a Homoeopath and in Homoeopathy we have answer for your questions but it cannot be given through this forum.
Your case has to be studied in detail. Your parent's history, their disease tendencies, your intra uterine life, your past history, treatment history etc. become important.
While taking your case in detail we will concentrate on your genetic constitutional dispositions to find out your remedy. This can be done by a very detailed case taking and analysis by an expert Homoeopathic physician.
Therefore my advise to you as a young friend is to tell your parents to take you to an expert Homoeopath who can help you to make you free from several physical ailments you are suffering and you will suffer in future if not taken a corrective treatment at the earliest. Your letter does not at all give any details about your mental make up which is very important for a Homoeopath to reach at the right remedy.
With best wishes for speedy cure through Homoeopathy,
Dr. C. J. Varghese