It thought it may be important that I give you some of my medical conditions. I know I have probably given you far more information than you need but I thought it would be better to be safe than sorry.
I have had quite a severe case of Fibromyalgia since fibromyalgia 1998 and understand the pain well, which goes along with it. I have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis and Degenrative spinal disease L5 S1. I also have a Permanent Ileostomy which was performed due to Slow Gut Transit and I suffer from Gastro Oesophageal Disease and have a Permanent Wide Open Pylorus. It is believed all my smooth muscles are failing, I suffer with Idiopathic Oedema, Axonal Neuropathy and Neurogenic Sensory Bladder. There is a much larger past medical history including many surgeries but we would be here forever. My mother and Grandmother and her father (my great grandfather) and several cousins, died from Mitochondrial Myopathy. It is possible that I may still develop this condition as in our family it doesn't appear until we are in our early 60's and I turned 50 this year. However I have been told that the strain of Mitochondrial Myopathy which runs in my family does not affect the internal smooth muscles.
I apologise for waffling and will now get on to the reason for contacting you.
My GP prescribed Aledronic Acid last week and I took the first tablet on Monday, so 3/4 days ago. I felt alright on the Monday, although a little nauseous at times. Unusually for me I went shopping on Tuesday with a Carer but had to come home early because I was in so much deep muscle/bone pain from my neck down to my feet and I just couldn't cope. Once home, I was in so much pain that I was in floods of tears whilst trying to get undressed so I could go to bed. This all over muscle pain was despite taking extra Oramorph and a Diazepam.
The aches and pains are in places I didn't know existed, and in the neck and behind hip bones and rib cage and every bone and muscle really. My legs hurt so much it hurts to stand and walk and the pain in my Spine at L5 S1 has flared up. I realise that these symptoms could be clouded by my Fibromyalgia, especially as it is quite severe but all the same these aches and pains feels different to my usual fibromyalgia pain.
When I awoke yesterday, Wednesday I was still feeling the same but with the addition of a very sore slightly swollen tongue. By mid afternoon the tongue had a slight white coating on it all over, not just at the back, which couldn't be scratched off. My tongue is very sore, and its painful when I swallow (only the tongue) and eat and it's slightly painful to talk. It strangely does feel slightly more swollen and sore on the lefts side.
I am an intermittent sufferer of Tonsillitis and can see my Tonsil, they look perfectly normal and there is no redness in the throat or the rest of the mouth.
I also started with a terrific headache yesterday. I do suffer from persistant daily headaches but this one didn't want to go despite taking any of my medication, even migraine medication.
On waking today, Thursday, the headache isn't quite so bad and most of the white has gone on the tongue but it still remains as painful and slightly swollen.
The aches and pains in the bones and muscles remain the same. Due to feeling so rough, I have taken my temperature today and it is a fairly constant 37.45. I realise that this is not classed as a fever but my temperature usually sits low at 35.64 so it is a bit raised for me.
My question is could all of this to be due to the Alendronic Acid or should I go to the GP despite only seeing her last week?
I do however think I should mention the point below, although I believe it isn't connected and could possibly totally confuse things. For starters it has been happening on and off for several months and it is nothing like the sore tongue pain that I have today, but I thought I should mention it because the small white recurring patch on the side of my tongue which I mention below also became noticeable yesterday for the first time in a few weeks.
So I have a small white faint patch on the left hand side of my tongue but this has been recurring, I have noticed it on four occasions now, and it is always sore, but only in the immediate area where it is rubbing against my teeth when I eat, drink and talk. It only lasts for days, ten maximum and then the patch goes away and doesn't return for some weeks, although I believe the left side of my tongue still remains a bit swollen in that area.
Last week my GP and Dentist both looked at this area of my tongue, typically the white patch wasn't there at the time but it did feel slightly swollen. They both said they didn't think it was anything to worry about as it comes and goes, and that it could be something to do with a taste bud and trapped food.
I wonder if I could be biting my tongue in my sleep, If I close my teeth gently together over my tongue that little area does seem to get trapped between my teeth and the upper tooth has a slightly rough edge. Why it has suddenly started happening I don't know, it only started over the last few months. I wonder if I did bite it initially and it swelled up and despite the white patch disappearing perhaps the swelling doesn't quite go down before I manage to bite it again. I am never aware of biting it whilst I'm awake, but I do often wake up with the tip of my tongue clenched between my teeth so I suppose it's not impossible to believe I'm biting the side of my tongue also, especially as I sleep with my head down that side.
Sorry I have waffled on.
Many Thanks