Hallow Dear,
The description of the discharge and the symptoms, particularly immense itching do suggest that you have been reinfected with the yeast infection. You have recently undergone antibiotics treatment for
Chlamydia infection. After antibiotics treatment such monalial (yeast) infection is commonly found since these antibiotics kill the natural protective flora of bacteria (Lactobacilli) present in the vagina. This infection does get transmitted sexually, hence even though the male partner is not having any symptoms, he should also undrergo treatment simultaneously to prevent reinfections.
Local antifungal pessaries will cure you from this infection. In addition please use Lactacyd wash which will help to regain
vaginal flora and pH (acidity).
In addition to medicinal treatment, both of you, please follow these instructions:
1. Both the partners have to follow these instructions
2. Shave private parts clean
3. Clip the nails short
4. Boil underclothes everyday
5. Use panty lines (for you only)
6. Avoid using soap
7. Observe sexual abstinence till both of you have been declared completely cured by the doctor.
I hope this will help you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri