About a week ago I started having flakey diarrhea , and then as soon as I finished going to the bathroom my butt hole started itching and burning. I haven t had normal poop since a week ago, and its continuously the flakey diarrhea! Currently the flakey diarrhea shows up once or twice a day. Before the flakey diarrhea comes, my stomach gets kinda tingly. My bladder is doing fine, it doesn t burn when I go. But this morning I noticed after I went flakey diarrhea that there was some blood in my underwear. This is the first time i have seen blood through this problem. My period doesn t come for another week in a half. At first I thought the blood was coming from my butt hole, but it was coming from my vagina , and my butt hole. Only a little of blood has come out, and its bright red. My butt hole is very red all around. Do you know what this could be? And any treatment that would help? Thanks. ps: im only 15 years old.