i have had this problem for about 5 or so months. i have these patches on my hands, and it s only on my palms and inside of my fingers. it s not inbetween them or on the backs of my hands and fingers, and while it spreads a little bit to the other fingers, it doesn t go anywhere else at all. it is EXTREMELY itchy, and white, flaky rough patches. i went to the doctor and they said it was an illergic reaction to something, and since i have severely sensitive skin , i thought it was a very good possibility. but the doctor gave me cream and some pills to take when its itching, and they don t help very much. when i first got these patches, they had rows underneath the skin when they itched, but when they stopped itching, the rows went away. there are no rows now, but its still extremely itchy, especially in the morning. i m almost desperate for some time of help, and i really would like to know at least what this is called.