About a month ago, I suffered from a cold, shortly after had severe headaches up to the point they were quite unbearable...Went to my GP and he said it could have been due to a badly cured cold together with stress and tension...Headache persisted and so I went to the Neurologist and even got an Head Scan of which results were negative, and the neurologist said she couldn't see anything wrong. I have taken complete blood tests were everything has come out normal...Now my headaches are almost negligible and gone...but I still have a runny nose a few times during the day (particularly in the morning and at night), and have the feeling of having my ears blocked and feel have suffered hair loss in the front side of my head (which my GP said it could have been due to the stress suffered durin my headaches)...Anyhow, just wanted an opinion on the ear blocked and hair loss symptoms..Do you see any connection in all this?