Hello Kapsean and welcome to HCM
I am a General and Family Physician and read your mail in detail. The cause of the Urine retention needs to be investigated in detail, for this consult your
Urologist and follow his advise.
As per the history given by you the causes for urine retention are:
1. BPH: Due to the large size of the
prostate gland, it causes obstruction in the path of urination and cause UTI and Urine retention.
2. It can be due late or delayed complication of
anesthesia or surgery, as the age id 84, the muscles and
nerve get weaken. After the major surgery it can happens and it will cure by its own in next few days.
3. UTI alone with mild BPH can cause retention of urine. For this you are already taking antibiotics and carry on with this. Do Urine culture for the choice of better antibiotic and speedy cure.
In my opinion go for USG for BPH and Urine culture and consult your urologist for better and best treatment for him.
Surely he will get well soon.
Best Wishes
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Bhatia
Health Care Magic