Hello and welcome to HCM.
Thank you for your query.
It appears as though you are suffering from symptoms of a
urinary tract infection (UTI). Which will require confirmation with the help of a urine analysis. This investigation as you might already know will help in providing more information on the suspected UTI. Also, following it up with a urine culture examination would be a good idea in your particular case, as we would want to help rid you of this condition at the earliest.
Vaginal or
uterine prolapse leads to a part of the organ dropping lower than it should be. This results in vital parts being exposed to the natural environment. Parts which should be kept safe and sterile inside. This can result in infection, and not just once, but recurrent infections. This is the reason why individuals with vaginal or uterine prolapse experience recurrent infections, as is in your case.
In my opinion, treating the prolapse should be made the mainstay of your treatment regimen as of now.Supporting this with antibiotic therapy will ensure complete relief.
Treatment options for a prolapse are quite simple nowadays. They include: kegel's exercise to strengthen your pelvic muscles, which might help in restoring the right position of your prolapsed organ; vaginal pessary's are devices fitted into the vagina, which holds the
uterus in place. They come in varying sizes and shapes, to help in choosing the device most suitable for your body. Surgery is considered the last option, and we need not consider it until all other options have been tried and tested.
The pressure you experience in your legs, toes and fingers is just a reflex, you need not worry about this.
I hope I have succeeded in providing the information you were looking for. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications. I would gladly help you.
Best wishes.