Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
As you mentioned that initially there was
frequent urination , thirsty ( excessive ) dryness mouth ,
dizziness, tiredness .
All these symptoms may be due to excessive diuresis ( frequent urination) .
As diuresis develops fluid loss with loss of sodium and potassium .
So loss of essential minerals causes dizziness, tiredness feeling of sickness.
As your doctor prescribed drugs for this ( urination ) , you got stomach ( due to side effect of antibiotics so need not to worry ).
Main question is why this occurs, may be ,
Urinary tract infection as antibiotics improved the symptoms , so this is an indication that you were a patient of U T I .
Diabetes mellitus may be the next reason along U TI . Diagnosis can be confirmed by blood examination for H B A 1 C & sugar level .
3 Tension ( work related stress ) or anxiety may be the reason.
In my opinion
consult a urologist and get his opinion.
Good luck. Dr. HET