Hello dear,
Thank you for your contact to health care magic.
I read and understand your concern.
I am Dr Arun Tank answering your concern.
No, this can not be because of the porn or excess
masturbation you are having.
It looks likes some kind of disease and should be diagnosed. I advice you should take the visit to the nearby doctor and get yourself examined.
Many a times if you masturbate twice or thrice than ejaculation can occur but may be eraction won't occurs.
Some times sildenafile citrate can be used which gives you good erection. But it won't be used every times. Also two or three doses should not be taken in single times if single dose is not sufficient.
If you do not want to treat yourself for this erection problem than even you can become father. In such cases
artificial insemination should be done. So this option can remain open for you.
Some mechanical device available in the market can create vaccum and sucks blood in the penis and can help prevent erection. This option is also open for you.
I will be happy to answer your further concern on bit.ly/DrArun.
Thank you,
Dr Arun Tank
Infectious diseases specialist,