Good day doc, it was oct 28 when i think i contracted gonorrhea after 2 days theres a greenish discharge in my penis, so i take doxcycline 100mg for 7 days, after 3 days theres still a discharge, so i change my antibiotic with zithromax 1000mg for 3 days and after 2 weeks theres a discharge of white secretion that leaves in my brief after i masturbate so i take a urinalysis test, can you pls explain to me my urinalysis result color light yellow; transparency turbid; reaction 7.0; specific gravity 1.0; albumin negative; sugar negative; rbc 0-2; pus cell 1-2; mucus threads rare; squamous few; amorphous urates plenty; course granular 2-4/lpf; bacteria few; tnx u your response will be highly appreciated ...