Hello Doctor Samuel,
I have a growth on my left shoulders on the right top edge of my of my shoulders and now has the size of a half orange. I went to see my doctor and got, an ULTRA SOUND . It happen last months and I still I did not get any explanation about my ultrasound. My doctor booked me to have a MIR in October,I find too far away I have started to feel apprehensive when I go to bed. I had a history of shoulders pains for 1 year due to a rotate cuff injure 3 years ago. The pain went away with acupuncture's, electro magnetic therapy treatments. Leaving behind trace of internal bump. Now the bump came up to the surface of the skin and my spine around the area of the half orange growth, which the area is very tender and sore. I still have neck problems, and shoulders tini aches from 3years ago. I must watch carefully for over workout, or for the amount of pillows and types of hard ones which are bad for me. I wonder why did she not booked me an biopsy before MIR? I feel let down by my doctor care, and now I considering looking for a new doctor. Thank you doctor for your help