My husband survived a TBI over 20 years ago. He had very little rehab afterward. He seemed to have differences in his personality afterward, but nothing huge. However, over the years I have noticed more and more little things developing. Over the last year he has been to a neuropsychologist and told he had serious deficits from his injury. His behavior had gotten out of hand regarding sexual inappropriateness and he has no impulse control . Over the last month he is acting like a whole other person. He is distant, seems depressed. wants to be left alone, and is not sure about being married anymore. What was once my loving husband whom always showed me affection, is now cold and unfeelilng and doesn t want to come home. He is currently taking 20mg of Adderall to help his focus, but it keeps him up most night until 3 or 4 a.m. He is very easily aggitated and has had some extreme violent outbursts. Is he having a crisis of some kind?