Thanks for posting your query.
There appears to be high possibility of spasm of anal sphincter which is getting injury with passage of hard stools.
You should consult with internal medicine specialist/
general surgeon and should go for thorough check up.
You should also go for
complete blood count, blood sugar, serum electrolytes, and thyroid profile.
You should take plenty of water, high fibre diet and laxatives containing
lactitol and isapgula. Passage of stools easily gives soothing effect with healing in anal pathology.
You should also continue Movicol for relief of your symptoms.
You should perform increased physical activity to maintain gastrointestinal mobility.
You should also take
proton pump inhibitors along with prokinetics.
You should also apply
diltiazem ointment at anal area.
You should also take hot sitz bath three times in a day.
Take care,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava