Hi. I have a question about a sexual experience I had with my boyfriend last night. I'm currently on birth control for the first time. I started it the sunday after my last period and I still have another week until I should be on my period. My boyfriend and I are very safe; birth control, condom, pull out method and all, but last night after sex, I went to the bathroom and I noticed some light yet still apparent dark brownish blood. After that one trip to the bathroom it hasn't happened all day but i'm super worried. I'm not very experienced sexually and my boyfriend is considerably larger then my last and only other partner (that of whom I only have sex with once for a very short time). This is not the first time my boyfriend and I have had sex. Its the 4th and honestly, he went a little deeper and it was a little rougher then it has been any other time. What does this mean? Am I ok? A girlfriend of mine, said this has happened to her more then once and she said its just cause its a sensitive area and things tear. I have googled so many different articles and forums about this and i'm worried that it might be more serious. Maybe I'm just freaking out since this is my first time dealing with this but I have to know. I can't sleep or think about anything else. What should I do???